After School AcademyProgram Information
ASET Academy of Performing Arts Title: “iPerform”: After School Performing Arts Academy (2 student-led productions supported by professional artists) Program Information: Location: East Nashville Middle School (address: 110 Gallatin Ave., Nashville. TN. 37206) Dates: Monday - Friday: 3pm-5:30pm Limit 30 participant slots available - no partial slots Snacks will be an on-site option Grades: 5-8th Cohort Information: Cohorts and Group Settings: Cohort One: “Ones” - 5th and 6th graders - Group Decides on official Group Name Cohort Two: “Two” - 7th and 8th graders - Group decides on official Group Name Daily Program Structure: A-Days (Monday/Wednesdays) B-Days (Tuesday/Thursday) C-Day (Friday) 3:00-3:30m Group Check-in Snack Group Body and Vocal Warm-ups Jounaling/Creative Writing 3:30-4:30pm A-Day: Focus Groups (Dance, Voice, Music)/Tutoring B-Day: Focus Groups (Theater, Guest Artist)/Production Rehearsal (All groups) C-Day: Field Study Trip/Service Learning Project 4:30pm-5:30pm A-Day: Focus Groups (Dance, Voice, Music)/Tutoring/The Art of Performance and Presentation/Guest Artists B-Day: Focus Groups (Theater, Guest Artist)/Production Rehearsal (All groups) C-Day: Field Study Trip/Service Learning Project/Career Exploration and Project Based Learning 5:30pm Student Pick Up Mission appropriate student
A Mission Appropriate Student is one who is a “pre-professional/best-fit” performing artist interested in career exploration and various art styles/techniques. Admission into the Academy for all students who plan to train on an Elite Level will be required to audition. The After school program does not require an audition. After School goals
Our Goals:
Auditions: **No Audition Requirements for the After School Program. Once Student chooses program of choice. No student will be able to switch programs until the next semester due to production placement. Age Requirements: Grades: 5th through 8th grade Required Dates: **Orientation: On-site: Friday, August 2nd 6pm-7pm (mandatory - send friend or family member if unable to attend) Production Date: TBD Student Call-times: 4pm Showtimes: 7pm Tickets go on sale: October 1st Program Hours: Monday - Friday: 3:00pm - 5:30pm Late Pick Up: after 5:45pm - $1 per minute. After 3 late pick ups, student will be dismissed from program and slot will become available for another student. Why iperform?
Top 5 Reasons to Attend iPerform: Summer Academy 1. Gain exposure to one of the BEST Performing Arts Programs in Tennessee. 2. Participate in a program that provides a unique learning environment outside the traditional classroom. 3. Experience real-life application of inter-disciplinary performing arts principles through hands on practical learning. 4. Meet like-minded students who share a similar interest in Performing Arts. 5. Because a short time at ASET Academy can inspire a lifetime of learning!! Tuition & Scholarships
Registration fee: $50.00 per student
no sibling discount Weekly Tuition Rate: $50.00 Tuition includes: Student T-shirt, Costume Rental Fees, All Field Trips Scholarships Available (providing tax documents) PAYMNT FORM: ACCEPTING CASH OR MONEY ORDERS MADE PAYABLE TO "ASET ACADEMY" Here at ASET Academy we believe that every student deserves access to a personalized education in an accepting and diverse environment, regardless of financial strifes. If your students is a mission appropriate student (defined as a student who is actively engaged in learning, embraces challenges and is willing to work hard, both in areas in which they excel and in areas in which they are less confident) we would love to give your student an opportunity to Audition for A Scholarship. |
Summer AcademyProgram Information
ASET Academy of Performing Arts Title: “iPerform”: Summer Performing Arts Academy (A 3-week student-led production prep supported by professional artists) Program Information: Location: John Early Middle School - Address: 1000 Cass Street Dates: June 3-21: Monday - Friday: 8am-4pm Theme: Cirque Du Soleil: Aurora 25 slots available - no partial slots Breakfast, Lunch, and snacks will be an on-site option Ages: 7-14 years old Cohort Information: Cohorts and Group Settings: Cohort One: “Ones” - Ages 10 and under - Group Decides on official Group Name Cohort Two: “Two” - Ages 11 and up Group decides on official Group Name Daily Program Structure: A-Days (Monday/Wednesdays) B-Days (Tuesday/Thursday) C-Day (Friday) 8:00-9:000am Breakfast Morning Motivation, Meditiation, and Journaling Group Body and Vocal Warm-ups 9-10:30am A-Day: Guest Artists B-Day: Production Rehearsal (All groups) C-Day: Field Study Trip/Service Learning Project 10:30-12pm A-Day: Focus Groups (Dance, Step, Music) B-Day: Focus Groups (Voice, Acting, Music) 12:00-1pm Lunch/Student Activities 1pm-2:30pm A-Day: The Art of Performance & Presentation B-Day: Guest Artists 2:30-4:00pm A-Day: Basic Skills and Goal-setting B-Day: Service Learning/Career Exploration and Project based learning C-Day: Return from Field Study Mission appropriate student
A Mission Appropriate Student is one who is a “pre-professional/best-fit” performing artist interested in career exploration and various art styles/techniques. Admission into the Academy for all students who plan to train on an Elite Level will be required to audition. summer goals
Our Goals:
Auditions: **All students applying for iPerform MUST audition or have an interview to be accepted as a "Best Fit" student Age Requirements: Ages: 7-10; 11-14 (going into 3rd grade/ going into 8th grade; no 2nd or 9th graders please- must be able to read, write, and be at a "all arts" skills-ready comprehension level) Required Dates: Session 1: June 3-June 21 **Orientation: On-site: Friday, May 31st 6pm-7pm (mandatory - send friend or family member if unable to attend) Production Date: Saturday, June 22nd, 2019 Student Call-time: 3pm Showtime: 5pm Tickets go on sale: May 31st Program Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Early Arrival: 7:30-8:00 - no additional fee Late Pick Up: 4:00-4:30pm - no additional fee Why iperform?
Top 5 Reasons to Attend iPerform: Summer Academy 1. Gain exposure to one of the BEST Performing Arts Programs in Tennessee. 2. Participate in a program that provides a unique learning environment outside the traditional classroom. 3. Experience real-life application of inter-disciplinary performing arts principles through hands on practical learning. 4. Meet like-minded students who share a similar interest in Performing Arts. 5. Because a short time at ASET Academy can inspire a lifetime of learning!! Tuition & Scholarships
No Registration fee
Tuition: $375 Tuition includes: Student T-shirt, Costume Rental Fees, All Field Trips Scholarships Available (provide tax documents) 1st Deposit due: May 1 ($100) or as acceptance response Final Deposit Due: May 31 ($275) PAYMNT FORM: ACCEPTING MONEY ORDERS OR CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO "ASET ACADEMY" Here at ASET Academy we believe that every student deserves access to a personalized education in an accepting and diverse environment, regardless of financial strifes. If your students is a mission appropriate student (defined as a student who is actively engaged in learning, embraces challenges and is willing to work hard, both in areas in which they excel and in areas in which they are less confident) we would love to give your student an opportunity to Audition for A Scholarship. |